Racoon Removal & Control in Hernando County can mean many things. Whether it be raccoon removal from in the attic, wall, crawlspace, mobile/modular home, or yard, we specialize in it all.
All In One Wildlife Removal
Our, local to Hernando County company, tries to be as transparent as possible with our services and pricing. We recommend only the services that are necessary to our customers. If you have a problem, we will tell you how we can fix it. If you don’t have a problem, we will tell you that you don’t have a problem. Continue reading to learn how we do raccoon removal in Hernando County.
How We Remove Raccoons From The Attic
There are many unique situations when it comes to removing raccoons from the attic in Hernando County. Most of the time removing raccoons is a straightforward process.
Our Straightforward process of removing raccoons from the attic:
- Find the areas the raccoons are going in and out of the attic from the roof.
- Soffit is the most common area raccoons will use to enter into the attic in Hernando County.
- Look for large openings or hanging soffit pieces.
- Inspect the attic to see where the raccoon activity has been.
- We check all ductwork, wires, and plumbing for any damage.
- Be mindful that a majority of the time there is a raccoon in the attic it is a female having babies or a female that already has babies. Mother raccoons are very protective of their young.
- Place raccoon eviction fluid on the most used entry point.
- Raccoon eviction fluid warns the mother raccoon that it is not a safe place for her and her babies.
- Multiple treatments of eviction fluid might be necessary depending on the size of the property.
- It could take 1-3 days for the mother raccoon to vacate.
- Once the raccoon has vacated, seal all entry points.
- Make sure to check the attic to make sure all raccoons have left, including the babies, before sealing.
- We use only metal based material to seal the raccoon entry points, preferably steel or aluminum. This prevents raccoons from ripping through and ending back up in the attic.
- Once the entire house is sealed, we sanitize the attic and entry points.
- This removes a lot of the bacteria left behind by the raccoon urine and feces.
- This also removes the raccoon scent or pheromones from the attic and entry points.
Pricing For Raccoon In Attic Removal In Hernando County
Pricing for removing raccoons in the attic starts at $300.00. Contact us for more information.
Sometimes there are different obstacles that can make removing raccoons from the attic difficult…
- A young mother raccoon on her first litter.
- Young mother raccoons sometimes won’t be experienced enough to sense that eviction fluid is a threat and will refuse to leave.
- Young mother raccoons will leave some of their litter behind in the attic.
- Young mother raccoons will vacate for 1-2 days but then come back and attempt to nest again in the same attic.
- Waiting to remove raccoons from the attic.
- The longer a mother raccoon is in the attic, the more comfortable she will get. The more comfortable a raccoon gets, the harder it is to evict and the more damage they create.
Raccoon Removal in Hernando County – Contact The Pros
How We Remove Dead Raccoons
Steps To Remove Dead Raccoons From Attic.
- Identify where in the attic the dead raccoon is located.
- This can be done by finding the area of the home where the smell is the strongest.
- Go in the attic and follow the dead raccoon smell until you find the general location.
- Sometimes the dead raccoon may be resting in an easy spot above the insulation.
- Other times the dead raccoon may be in the soffit.
- Remove insulation until the dead raccoon is found.
- Make sure to wear gloves.
- Sanitize the space where the dead raccoon was.
- This kills the bacteria left behind by the carcass.
- This also help to kill any maggots, flies, fleas, or bugs left behind.
Pricing For Dead Raccoon In Attic Removal In Hernando County
Pricing for removing dead raccoons in the attic starts at $189.00. Contact us for more information.
How To Remove Dead Baby Raccoon From Wall.
- You want to start out with the steps 1-2 above in the “Remove Dead Raccoon From Attic” section.
- If you go into the attic and the smell is less strong then it was in the house, this will tell you it’s in a wall.
- Raccoon Babies are the only size big enough to fit in walls. It is common that a baby raccoon will crawl away from a nest in the attic and fall into the wall and die.
- Sometimes it’s possible to see the location of the dead raccoon from the attic.
- You should be able to see into most of the walls from the attic.
- Find the wall containing the dead raccoon by smelling any wall access you can find.
- If you find the location of the dead raccoon from the attic.
- Take a picture of where it is and of where you are in the attic.
- If you cannot find the location of the dead raccoon from the attic.
- Go back to the area in the house where the smell was the strongest.
- Cut a small hole in the wall.
- About a half inch in diameter closest to the smell.
- Use the endoscope to find the exact location of the dead raccoon.
- Endoscopes are cameras used to capture images in hard to reach areas.
- Cut a rectangular shaped piece out of the wall.
- Make sure it’s only big enough for your hand to get in.
- Remove the dead raccoon carcass and the remains as much as you can.
- Sanitize inside the wall with an antimicrobial treatment.
- This helps mask the smell and kill the bacteria left behind.
- The smell should go away within 1-3 hours.
- Repair the cut in the wall.
Pricing For Dead Raccoon In Wall Removal In Hernando County
Pricing for removing dead raccoons in the wall starts at $189.00. Contact us for more information.
Steps To Remove Dead Raccoon From Crawlspace. Crawlspaces aren’t very common in the Hernando County area fortunately.
- From inside the home, find the area where the dead raccoon smell is the strongest.
- Access the crawlspace and follow the smell to the general location.
- Usually you will see the dead raccoon when you get close to it due to its size.
- If you do not see the dead raccoon, remove any objects or materials it could have crawled under before it died.
- Remove the raccoon carcass and any remains left behind.
- Sanitize the area with an antimicrobial treatment.
- This helps mask the smell and kill the bacteria left behind.
- The smell should go away within 2-3 hours, depending on ventilation of the crawlspace.
Pricing For Dead Raccoon In Crawlspace Removal In Hernando County
Pricing for removing dead raccoons in the crawlspace starts at $189.00. Contact us for more information.
Steps To Remove Dead Raccoons From Under Mobile/Modular Homes.
- You want to follow steps 1-3 in the “Steps To Remove Dead Raccoon From Crawlspace” section above.
- If you do not see the dead raccoon on the ground or under any material under the mobile, check the vapor barrier.
- The vapor barrier is supposed to be sealed completely.
- Check for any ripped-through areas while following the smell of the dead raccoon.
- Remove the dead raccoon carcass and any remains left behind.
- Sanitize the area with an antimicrobial treatment.
- This helps mask the smell and kill the bacteria left behind.
- The smell should go away within 2-3 hours, depending on ventilation of the skirting on the mobile/manufactured home.
Pricing For Dead Raccoon In Attic Removal In Hernando County
Pricing for removing dead raccoons under mobile/modular homes starts at $189.00. Contact us for more information.
Steps To Remove Dead Raccoon From Yard.
- Get your contractor garbage bag and gloves ready.
- Contractor bags mask the smell because of their thickness.
- Put on gloves and place dead raccoon carcass in contractor bag.
- Making sure to remove any remains along with it.
- Sanitize the area with an antimicrobial treatment.
- This helps mask the smell and kill the bacteria left behind.
- Antimicrobial treatments do not make any pets sick.
- Dispose of the dead raccoon remains in the proper location.
Pricing For Dead Raccoon In Yard Removal In Hernando County
Pricing for removing dead raccoons in the yard starts at $129.00. Contact us for more information.
Raccoon Removal in Hernando County – Get Your Free Inspection
Removing Raccoons From Under Mobile & Modular Homes
Hernando County is home to many different mobile and modular homes. Skirting is the only barrier to protect the wires, ac ducts, vapor barrier, insulation, plumbing, structural components, and any stored items.
Most skirting in Hernando County is made up of Vinyl due to is low cost and easy install. Unfortunately, the vinyl material cracks and chips over time. This cracking can be caused by weather, age, or accidental damage, like hitting with a weed trimmer. Once the areas are open, this is an invitation for raccoons to make nests underneath.
Skirting also only rests on top of the ground in most cases we’ve seen in Hernando County. This allows raccoons to dig holes right underneath the rail supporting the skirting and go right under the home to nest.
How We Remove Raccoons From Under Mobile & Modular Homes
- Remove any material that may be in the way of the skirting.
- Stacked bricks.
- Wires coming out from the bottom.
- Lattice.
- Dig a 6-8 inch trench anywhere where the bottom of the skirting meets the ground.
- This will prevent raccoons from being able to tunnel back under.
- Measure the height and width of the area to be sealed with stainless steel hardware clothe 3/4 inch.
- Hardware clothe is strong enough to keep raccoons and any wildlife out from under the home.
- Cut around any pipes or wires that couldn’t be disconnected.
- Fasten the hardware clothe, top then bottom.
- Fasten the top to the area directly above the skirting with screws.
- Force the bottom in the trench in a U-shaped form. The very bottom should be facing you.
- Fill in the trench that was dug out all the way around the skirting.
- For extra barrier, before you fill, apply spray foam to the U-shaped area of the hardware clothe. This will mix with the dirt and harden.
- Place material that was moved in step 1 back to its original location.
- Re-stack bricks.
- Re-connect wires.
- Re-attach lattice.
- Set traps to remove any raccoons remaining under the home.
- 1-2 weeks of raccoon trapping will remove any amount of raccoon from underneath.
- Sanitize the area with an anti-microbial treatment.
- Removes the raccoon pheromone scent from underneath.
- Kills bacteria left behind by raccoon feces and urine.
Pricing For Raccoon Removal Under Mobile/Modular Homes In Hernando County
Pricing for trapping raccoons under mobile/modular homes starts at $300.00. Contact us for more information.
Completed Raccoon Removal Under Mobile Home Job Done In Hernando County

Raccoon Removal From The Yard In Hernando County
When Should You Rid Your Yard Of Raccoons?
- When Raccoons Cause Property Damage.
- Scratching on vehicles or homes.
- When Raccoons Are Constantly On Your Roof.
- Raccoons constantly on the roof could lead to access to attic.
- When Raccoons Look Sick.
- Not every raccoon out during the day-time is sick. Sometimes raccoon forage for food during the day depending on access at night.
- Look for signs of “walking around drunk” or fluids running from their eyes, nose or mouth.
- When Raccoons Are Comfortable Approaching People Or Pets.
- This will always leads to injury.
Live Trapping Raccoons

We offer a 2 week-30 day trapping session for raccoon in the yard.
- Depending on property size and amount of raccoon, each home gets 1-2 traps.
- Traps are baited with raccoon-specific bait to prevent catching feral cats and pets.
- Traps are pulled from the property when current population is removed.
Pricing For Raccoon In Yard Removal In Hernando County
Pricing for removing raccoon in the yard starts at $300.00. Contact us for more information.